State College, PA – Most Americans are lured into saving for retirement with traditional qualified retirement plans, such as IRA’s and 401(k)s. They are convinced by financial advisors to contribute […]
Index To Tax Planning Content
Tax planning is by far the most overlooked area of financial planning. Very few investors have ever learned the realities of how tax planning can have a dramatic impact on their net spendable income in retirement. Most Americans are not familiar with simple concepts concerning taxation, like the difference between a marginal and effective tax bracket. The vast majority of retirement accounts that we see, are subject to taxation, another way to put it is most Americans have a permanent tax lien on their largest investment account. Learn the realities of how tax planning could affect to your retirement plan.
Do’s and Don’ts of Estate Planning

Debra Seaward talks about real life scenarios of unexpected planning issues relating to Estate Planning and ideas on how to make sure that you have the proper basic documents in […]
Why Is the Stock Market the Only Bright Spot for the Economy?

This week’s market update includes common sense comments on the rationale as to why Donald Trump mentioned the stock market is the bright spot in our economy. Pulling back the curtain to explain why the stock market is the only area of recent years that has shown any hopeful economic signs. Unfortunately with the government intrusion, it’s not what it always appears to be. Get the real scoop once again as Paul pulls back the curtain on the financial services industry and exposes the truth about money and investing, brought to you by Financial Abundance.
The Investor’s Dilemma
Investments, income planning, portfolio construction, and tax planning are just a few topics that throw many people into the investor dilemma mindset. We are all emotional individuals; we want to […]
Manufactured Perceptions

On this week’s “It’s Your Money” Paul Nichols reviews Investing 101, along with the importance of funding Roth IRA accounts. When it comes to Tax Management, you never want to […]
Wealth Management: It’s a Wonderful Life
This classic gem directed by Frank Capra is one of my favorite movies and a sure watch every holiday season. It’s a story of an angel working to get his […]
College Planning Wheels

On this week’s “It’s Your Money” podcast, The Investor Coach, Paul Nichols, pulls back the curtain and discusses what one can do in the volatile times that we are currently […]
To Defer Taxes or Not to Defer?

Besides the usual market update and some rational academic clarity concerning countries sovereign debt and default, Paul Nichols, the investor coach, is pulling back the curtain on the concept of […]
Permanent Tax Lien

Paul, with Financial Abundance, does a market update this week. This show, as well, focuses on a crucial question that must be answered when it comes to attempting retirement planning, […]
Shutdown, Smut-down, Debt Up
What does the shutdown really mean to the vast majority of Americans? Apparently not much, other than the entertainment factor of watching the political dramas (shame they do not have […]
Tax Planning and Madoff’s Accountant

This week, Paul Nichols, the “investor coach” and president of Financial Abundance, a registered investment advisory firm in State College, Pennsylvania, once again pulls back the curtain on the financial […]
How Risky Are Bonds?

This week Paul Nichols, the financial coach, focuses on his bi-monthly market update. The recent stock market hiccup, brought on by bonds being rated as risky from conservative by a […]
Fiscal Cliff: Blah Blah Blah
How many of you are tired of all the talk on the fiscal cliff, including the non ending stream of opinion and regurgitated sound bites?? May I suggest we spend […]
Scaling the Cliff
“BUSINESS WEEK” – Approximately 88% of American households will see a tax increase if this so called “fiscal cliff” is not averted by Congress by December 31, 2012. The payroll […]
What Would Grandpa Say?
Many of you may already know we are not fans of municipal bonds. In fact, we do not hold any municipal bonds in any of our investment portfolios because we think they are too risky. I bet that surprises a lot of people, especially retirees. My astute, well read, late grandfather would be shocked to hear this, having retired from Ma Bell after 42 years, an old school, buy American, blue chip investor. That’s because many advisors routinely recommend that retirees buy and live off of the income generated by supposedly safe individual municipal bonds.