State College, PA – They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. As I look back at 20 years in the business, I see a fingerprint on the […]
Index To Investment Advisor Content
Investment advisors should actually be referred to as fee-only fiduciary advisers that offer advice, council, instruction and often implementation of actual investments related to the stock market, equities, bonds, mutual funds etc. The content here will start to give you academic insight to investing. These Tips & Clips on investing including financial concepts currently being taught at the vast majority of business schools and universities in America. Take a glimpse and learn about the empirical science that's been tested for over five decades. Investing can be complex but if you have an investment advisor coaching you you don't need to know everything, just a few right things.

Does “Do It Yourself” Investing really work? Can the average American, who is not schooled in finance, really do it themselves? Can a human kiosk replace financial advisors in the […]
Stock Picking: Confident Assertion or Financial Folly
Have you ever personally experienced a Confident Assertion within yourself or while observing others? I think it’s interesting in the area finance, how many Confident Assertions are made about the […]
Preparing For Peace of Mind
As Investment Advisors we experience firsthand the roller coaster that many individuals go on emotionally when they start to think about the monumental task of retirement planning. Most issues in […]
Coin Flipping
There’s a saying I’ve heard through the years, “Nobody loses in Vegas “. This makes me think of a relatively new area of financial study amongst many of the top […]
You don’t know what you don’t know! Simple, but profound. As an investor you may fall victim to the lies of the financial industry, including large investment institutions and the […]
Interest Rates & the Price of Tea in China
Altoona, PA – The price of tea in China has been rising dramatically due to supply and demand. Some of the higher end teas are actually being hoarded after the […]
Stick a Stake In It Already!

Altoona- The market has been on a wild ride! The Fed continues to speculate as to whether they’re going to raise interest rates or keep interest rates as they are…..this […]
Year End Market Update 2014

This podcast brought to you by Financial Abundance, a Registered Investment Advisor. This session focuses on 2014’s market review and a current market update. Paul Nichols, the “Investor Coach”, conducts […]
What’s Up Kemosabe?
Lewisburg, PA – Tonto: “The market is up and I am not. What’s the story Kemosabe?” Kemosabe: “What do you mean the market is up?” Tonto: “According to the telegraph […]
Evolution of Passive Index Investing!
Lewisburg, PA – Recently I was reading an article from John Bogle founder of Vanguard. John is well known in financial circles as one of the champions of passive investing […]
Investment Cost: Advisor Beware or Investor Beware
State College, PA – “How are you paid” is a common refrain heard by those working in the financial industry. One would think this is a very black and white, […]
In Life and Retirement Planning “It’s Never a Mystery”
Lewisburg, PA – The common phrase “it’s never a mystery”, should end with, “except for the people involved”. Is it a mystery why the athlete medals in the Olympics? Not […]
Punxsutawney Phil Beats the Pros
Punxsutawney Phil is arguably the most well-known prognosticator in America. Groundhog Day was established in 1887, held annually on February 2nd. A large crowd will wait with baited breath to see […]
What’s Your Sleep Factor for the CRASH to Come?
What is a market crash? It’s a sudden, dramatic decline in the market. As an investor coach and wealth strategist, I find myself always preparing my clients for the crash to come. […]